Cadet Life
This is a brief overview of each Military Science (MS) level

Military Science I (MSI) covers leadership fundamentals, basic military skills, and Army customs and traditions. The class includes a physical fitness and leadership practical exercise component. You may participate as an MSI without a military commitment.

MSII explores the role of an officer in the Army. Classes cover applied leadership theory, communications, and principles of war. Fitness and leadership labs continue in the MSII curriculum. You may continue in MSII without a military commitment.

MSIII is offered to students who make a commitment to serve as an officer in the U.S. Army. The curriculum focuses on leading units through tactical scenarios and additionally covers command and staff functions, team dynamics, peer leadership and military operations. MSI, MSII, Basic Camp, or prior military service are prerequisites.

MSIV class focuses on the transition of a cadet to an Army officer. Students learn about mission command, training and planning processes, developing others, and are additionally exposed to numerous Army programs. One year of MSIII is a prerequisite.